dimension pressure torque temperature load cell electrical

  1. Calibration Dimension
  2. Calibration Pressure
  3. Calibration Torque
  4. Calibration Temperature
  5. Calibration Load Cell
  6. Calibration Electrical

+ Calibration Dimension



Item                         Equipment Range ISO/IEC 17025
1 Micrometer 0 to 600 mm 0-25mm
2 Vernier Caliper 0 to 600 mm 0-300mm
3 Depth Caliper 0 to 600 mm -
4 Dial Gauge 0 to 600 mm -
5 Dial Test Indicator 0 to 600 mm -
6 Steel Ruler Every range -
7 Steel tape Every range -
8 Height Gauge 0 to 600 mm -
9 Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge 0 to 600 mm -
10 Thickness Gauge 0 to 600 mm -
11 Lead setting standard 0 to 300 mm -
12 Profile gauge 0 to 300 mm -
13 Three point micrometer 0 to 600 mm -
14 Ring gauge 0 to 600 mm -
15 Lead Gauge 0 to 300 mm

Ser dimension

+ Calibration Pressure


Item Equipment Range ISO/IEC 17025
1 Pressure Gauge 0 to 30000 psi 0 to 10000 psi
2 Test Gauge 0 to 30000 psi 0 to 10000 psi
3 Chart Recorder 0 to 30000 psi 0 to 10000 psi
4 Pressure Safety Valve 0 to 30000 psi -
5 Pressure Switch 0 to 30000 psi -
6 Torque Gauge 0 to 30000 psi -
7 Pressure Test 0 to 30000 psi -
8 Pressure Transmitter 0  to 30000 psi -
Ser pressure

+ Calibration Torque


Item Equipment Range ISO/IEC 17025
1 Torque Wrench 0 to 800 N.m 0 to 800 N.m
2 Digital Torque Wrench 0 to 800 N.m 0 to 800 N.m
Ser torque

+ Calibration Temperature


Item Equipment Range ISO/IEC 17025
1 Digital thermometer 0 to 155 oC -
2 Liguid In Glass Thermometer 0 to 155 oC -
3 Dial Thermometer 0 to 155 oC -
4 Infrared Thermometer 0 to 155 oC -
5 Drying Oven 0 to 400 oC -
6 Port Table Oven 0 to 400 oC -
7 Dry Block 0 to 400 oC -
Ser temp

+ Calibration Load Cell


Item Equipment Range ISO/IEC 17025
1 Load Cell 0 to 55 Ton -
2 Weight Indicator 0 to 55 Ton -
Ser load cell

+ Calibration Electrical


Item Equipment Range ISO/IEC 17025
1 Welding Machine 0 to 400 A -
2 Stop Watch Every Range -
3 Timer Every Range -
Ser elec

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206/10 , 206/11 หมู่ 1 ต.สทิงหม้อ อ.สิงหนคร จ.สงขลา 90280
โทรศัพท์ 074 300435 , 082-7320129 , 082-7320130
