
LA type Accumulator with exchangeable bladder

Technical data
Operating pressure:
LA 0.75>5 max 145/250/270 bar
LA 10>12 max 145/250/270 bar
Gas filling (nitrogen only): max. 90% of min. operating
Admissible pressure ratio: max. 6/1
Operating temperature: -40 +150°C (Compatible with the
temperatures admitted for the diaphragms)
Mounting: horizontal or vertical with gas valve upwards

Standard construction characteristics
Material of body:
LA 0.75>5 carbon, stainless AISI 316L (Fig.1), duplex F51 (Fig.2)
LA 10>12 carbon, stainless AISI 316L (Fig.1), duplex F51 (Fig.2)
Bladder: according to fluid
Gas connection valve: 5/8”UNF version 1
Painting: anti-rust primer (only carbon steel)
Test: on reques




LAS type Accumulator with exchangeable bladder
Technical data
Operating pressure:
LAS 0.75>5 max 360 bar
LAS 10>12 max 360 bar

Gas filling (nitrogen only): max. 90% of min. operating
Admissible pressure ratio: max. 6/1
Operating temperature: -40 +150°'-40 +150°C (Compatible
with the temperatures admitted for the diaphragms)

Mounting: horizontal or vertical with gas valve upwards

Standard construction characteristics
Material of body:
LAS 0.75>5 carbon steel
LAS 10>12 carbon steel
Bladder: according to fluid
Gas connection valve: 5/8”UNF version 1
Painting: anti-rust primer
Test: on request



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SI type Accumulator with exchangeable bladder

Technical data
Operating pressure:
SI 0.2>55 max 360 bar
SI 10>55 max 250 bar
Gas filling (nitrogen only): max. 90% of min. operating
Admissible pressure ratio: max. 4/1
Operating temperature: -40 +150°C (Compatible with the
temperatures admitted for the diaphragms)
Mounting: horizontal or vertical with gas valve upwards
Standard construction characteristics
Material of body:
SI 0.2>55 carbon steel
SI 10>55 duplex F51 steel
Bladder: according to fluid
Gas connection valve: 5/8”UNF version 1
Painting: anti-rust primer (only carbon steel)
Test: on request



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206/10 , 206/11 หมู่ 1 ต.สทิงหม้อ อ.สิงหนคร จ.สงขลา 90280
โทรศัพท์ 074 300435 , 082-7320129 , 082-7320130
